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My Health Coach is currently only available to users enrolled in our Feasibility Trial. Learn more at

Who is conducting this study?

The research study is being conducted by Drs. Christie Petrenko and Cristiano Tapparello. They are researchers at the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY, USA. Dr. Petrenko is a psychologist. She has been working with people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) since 2003. Dr. Tapparello is in computer engineering.
We are also partnering with members of the Adult Leadership Collaborative of FASD Change Makers to run this study. We value their motto: “Nothing about us without us.”

How will the researchers keep your information private?

The University of Rochester makes every effort to keep your information private. Your name and other identifying information will not be released in public about this study. We will keep your information and survey and interview responses on secure computer servers. All data collected in the app will be protected with state-of-the-art encryption.
In order to collect study information, we have to get your permission to use and give out your personal health information. To conduct the study, we will use the answers you provide in online surveys, the study interview, and responses in the app. We will not access your medical records or any other information you do not give to us as part of the study. Your permission to use your health information for this study will not expire unless to tell us you want to cancel it. We will keep the information we collect about you indefinitely. If you cancel your permission, you will be removed from the study.
Sometimes, researchers need to share information that may identify you with people who work for the University. If this does happen, we will make efforts to protect your information. Results of the research may be presented at meetings or in publications, but your name will not be used.